1) 7X2 Snatch off High Blocks – heavy but fast, rest 60 sec. Demo 1 – Demo 2
Notes: Blocks should raise the bar to somewhere between the knees and the pockets. DO NOT push the knees forward, on the other side of the bar, and allow the torso to raise into a vertical position. The barbell should be directly under the shoulder blades, with the knees only slightly in front of the bar when starting off blocks. Make sure to set the back before pulling, load the hamstrings, and DO NOT jump forward. If jumping forward is an issue make sure to finish pulling the bar all the way to the pelvis and keep the heels loaded until the last possible second.2a) 4X3 Snatch High-Pulls – heavy, rest 60 sec.
2b) 4X3 Drop Snatch – medium/heavy and fast, rest 60 sec.
Notes: Drop Snatch definition courtesy of Catalyst Athletics: “Sometimes used synonymously with snatch balance, the drop snatch is actually slightly different. While in the snatch balance, the athlete uses a dip and drive of the legs to unload the bar momentarily before driving under it, in the drop snatch, the athlete must drive under the bar with no upward push at all. This greatly limits the loads that can be used in the exercise, and as a consequence, limits its utility. It’s more appropriate as part of a warm-up or to be used while progressing up toward heavier snatch balances.”Strength
1a) 4X8 Weighted “Strict” GH Raise – heaviest possible, rest 60 sec. (no swing, start from a position parallel to the floor) Demo Video
1b) 4X3 BB TGU – heaviest possible, 3 each arm, rest 60 sec.
5 Muscle-Ups
Row 100m
4 Muscle-Ups
Row 200m
3 Muscle-Ups
Row 300m
2 Muscle-Ups
Row 400m
1 Muscle-Up
Row 500m
NOT for time.
Notes: This entire effort should be performed at approximately 80% effort. Do not redline, but do not be lazy.
From: http://outlawcoach.wordpress.com/
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