02 May 2012

TUESDAY 1 May 2012

BB Gymnastics
1) 5X3 Clean & Jerk @ 70% – rest 45 sec.
2) 4X3 Snatch Balance (NO heaving) – rest 60 sec.

1a) 3X5 Tempo Deadlifts – heavy, rest 60 sec.
Notes: Tempo should be 3 counts from floor to knees, explode past knees driving hips to bar, 3 counts back to floor. Concentrate on keeping legs loaded NOT back. Maintain vertical shin.
1b) 3X3 Strict Pullups + ME Kipping Pullups – rest 60 sec.
Notes: This should be one unbroken set of 3 strict PU then, without dropping off the bar, a max effort set of Kipping pullups.
4 rounds for total reps of:
2 minute AMRAP of:
40 OHS @ 65/45#
60 Double-Unders
Rest 2 minutes after each round.

1 comment:

  1. Clean & Jerk 125#
    Snatch Balance 95#
    Tempo Deadlifts 185#

    Did the P/U's don't remember the numbers.

    First Round Conditioning 45#, 7 D/U's
    Second Round 65# 40 OH Squats, 0 D/U's
    Didn't do a third and fourth round. Read the WOD wrong.
